School Meals

School meals are made fresh within our school kitchen and are available at a cost of £2.60 per day or £13.00 per week. School meals need to be paid for via Please contact the school office if you require an activation letter for your account or a paypoint letter to pay in cash via local outlets.

Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch in a container clearly marked with their name. All children are encouraged to drink water with their meal; however they may bring their own drink in a plastic bottle or carton. As a Healthy School we discourage sugary drinks. Fizzy drinks are not permitted nor are glass containers. We encourage children to drink water as often as possible and this together with milk in freely available each lunchtime.

Mid Morning Snack

Free fruit and vegetables are provided to all the children in the infants as part of the government scheme.

We provide a range of fresh fruit and vegetables for the rest of the school. Children may bring in their own snack each day and as a healthy school we encourage them to bring in either a piece of fruit or a healthy option snack. We do not allow sweets, chocolate biscuits or crisps as part of the mid-morning snack (the only exception being for children with a specific dietary requirement). There is also the school tuck shop available for all children at a cost of 20p. We are always happy to discuss with parents how we can encourage a healthy diet.

Please note that we will always accommodate a pupil’s needs and are happy to discuss with parents how best we can support any requirements.


Menus can be accessed via ParentPay

How to book Breakast and After School Club places through ParentPay