Welcome to Conker Class

Conker Class may be the first school experience your child has, Reception year, and we strive to ensure all our children are happy, secure and set up for success as they move through the school. We see each child as an individual and teach them using a range of learning styles to ensure they are uniquely accessing the learning. We look forward to growing and evolving as a class throughout the year and sharing our journey with you.


The teaching team comprises of Miss Willis, Mrs Clements, Mrs Athay and Ms Langan who support the 23 children on roll.




Things to remember:

  • PE lessons are on Mondays. PE kits should be kept in school (please remember to label all PE bags and kits).
  • Spare change of clothes/underwear for any potential accidents.
  • Any learning from home can be shared on Seesaw - we love to see it!
  • Please remember to read at home with your children as often as you can (ideally 4 times a week) and once we start sending guided reading books home, please log reading in the reading record and return it in their book bags.

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