In Year 4 we love to be creative and have fun! We encourage and support the children to develop a love for learning and to build independence as they grow throughout KS2.
We have 25 enthusiastic children in Cherry Class. Our teaching team this year is Miss Jones, Mrs Meredith and Mrs Langan.
~ Class Photo Coming Soon ~
Children should read/be read to daily for 20 mins, this should be recorded in their reading records. You’ll be amazed at how much progress they make! Children will have their books for a week before taking their quizzes and receiving a book to match their reading comprehension. Asking questions about what has been read will show you if your child has understood the story/text.
Our Curriculum
Find out what we are learning about this year: * Year 4 Curriculum Overview *Year 4 Term 1 Curriculum Map
Things to Remember...
Children should read or be read to daily for 20 minutes, this should be recorded in their reading records. Children will have their books for a week before taking Accelerated Reader quizzes, this allows them to receive a book that matches their reading comprehension.
Everyone is encouraged to play Number Bots and Times Table Rockstars at school and at home to improve their Maths skills.
PE lessons are on Wednesdays (swimming) and Thursdays. PE kits should be kept in school (please remember to label all PE bags and kits).
Homework - Every Monday Cherry Class will have weekly spellings on Spelling Shed and Doodle Maths. The Children are also encouraged to spend time at home on Number Bots and Times Table Rockstars.