Our priority is to nurture a love of reading where children become confident, independent and lifelong readers. We recognise reading as being the key to all learning so, at Trinity, it is our mission to ensure that all children succeed in this area. We have high expectations of our learners and encourage children to read regularly and widely, for the purpose of both education and enjoyment. Through adult modelling, children are encouraged to recommend reading material to their peers as a way of articulating their views and feelings. Children are exposed to high quality texts by a range of authors through both guided reading sessions and through pre-planned cross-curricular topic links. We aim to inspire children through author visits, reading challenges, themed days and supported use of our library
During both key stages pupils’ interest and pleasure in reading is developed as they learn to read confidently and independently. This involves two dimensions:
At Key Stage One children take part in a daily dedicated phonics session as set out in the Letters and Sounds document. The teaching of phonics is emphasised in the early teaching of reading to beginners. This involves the speedy working out of unfamiliar words and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words.Skills continue to be developed in the following ways:
Other strategies include:
Each child will have a Reading Record where appropriate; the purpose of which is to record the reading experiences both at home and school. This will be an exercise book and teachers will provide an information sheet for parents on how best to hear their child read as is appropriate to their age or key stage. Writing during both key stages is linked to pupils’ interests and pleasure in writing is developed as they learn to write confidently and independently.This involves two dimensions:
Our detailed progression documents for reading can be found here:
V - Vocabulary
I - Inference
P - Prediction
E - Explanation
R - Retrieval
S - Sequence/Summarise
Asking your child a range of questions when reading at home will develop their comprehension skills. Please find below documents for KS1 and KS2 question stems that will support questioning at home.